Photos of the Week
Week 20 Assignment: Signs
There are signs everywhere, you just have to pay attention sometimes.
I get a kick out of signs, especially funny or the random and unexpected signs. When I took my Route 66 road trip a few years back, one of my favorite things to photograph were signs; from neon signs to the old rusted out signs that have stood the test of time, that road has plenty of them. Maybe someday, I will put together a coffee table book of just signs..
This week is a small sample of some signs that I have seen. The first one I liked for its patriotism and the fact that they painted the three mailboxes red, white, and blue. The second if from a local lumber store with an interesting saying on it, which changes every couple weeks. You don't see many of these, but they are alway enlightening. The third is from a balloon store, the sign is not very durable and I can't believe that is what they use for their sign, but it does catch your eye. The fourth, who knew you could get gift cards for auto accidents or work injuries, that is quite the gift for that special someone. Fifth, a sign I enjoy seeing on almost any weekend and I am usually inclined to stop and check it out. And finally, the last sign, I thought it was cute to catch that in your rearview mirror to brighten up your day. So everyone out there, keep an eye out for those unique signs that make you chuckle.
Coming Next:
Week 21 Assignment: Remember the Fallen
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