Welcome to Simply Fred!
I will be posting photos from my favorite and latest Real Estate photo shoots.
Also, occasionally posting random photos of stuff that makes me happy or was just fun to shoot.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 52: Winter Flying


Sunset colors

City lights below

Week 52 Photos of the Week

Well, my year in photos has come to an end and it has been quite a year. I started out with a plan to figure out my niche in the photography industry; I have found it in Architectural and Real Estate Photography.

I will continue to post some of my favorite photos in 2011 along with new projects and assignments for new things I want to learn. Some of these new things include video, slide shows and time lapse to name a few. Please check back occasionally to keep up on my progress. Keep on shooting.

Thanks, Fred

Week 51: Snow

Fun in the snow

Yes, that says -16 degreesF

Wind blown snow art

Week 51 Photos of the Week

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 50: Real Estate pics

Using the mirror closet doors to make the room look a little bigger

A little girls paradise

Week 50 Photos of the Week

Week 49: Real Estate pics

Week 49 Photos of the Week

Week 48: Phone pics

Week 48 Photos of the Week

I had a little fun with the camera on my phone this week. It has a lot of neat features that are fun to play with including the retro look (first two pics), and putting yourself on a painting that a guy is painting. It is nice to know the capabilities of my phone camera since I always have it with me. I can always use it when I need to take a picture and I can also get creative with it. Give your phone camera a try and see what it can do.