Light Rail on the move

New buses the continue on where the light rail ends

The bus and light rail tunnel under downtown Seattle

Additional downtown light rail, originally know as the South Lake Union Trolly (SLUT)

Transit in motion from a viewpoint

They unfortunately renamed it to the Seattle Steetcar
(although, original I rode the SLUT T-shirts are available)

Downtown Union Station

Tukwila Light Rail Station (near Seatac Airport)
Photos of the WeekWeek 40 Assignment: Public Transportation
To continue on my Public theme, I chose Public Transportation this week. We got a new light rail system in Seattle that goes from downtown to the airport, so I decided to check it out and go for a ride. The system is getting better, with lots of money and a long way to catch up to the growing population. If you need it, you have many public transportation option available from the extensive bus system, this new light rail, and also a commuter train. Many expansion plans are in place to help make us a metropolis some day.
Coming Next:
Week 41 Assignment: Converging Lines