Welcome to Simply Fred!
I will be posting photos from my favorite and latest Real Estate photo shoots.
Also, occasionally posting random photos of stuff that makes me happy or was just fun to shoot.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Week 35: 24 Shot in a Truck

Photos of the Week
Week 35 Assignment: 24 Shots in a Truck

This week I wanted to see if I could get creative in the confined space of my truck, which I get to spend many hours a day in. The task was to take 24 shots while sitting in the drivers seat, and to be safe, not while I was driving. I chose to concentrate on the details, with the help of my 105mm macro lens. Many of the shots you may recognize, while many are more abstract. I am amazed by the amount of things in my truck.

Coming Next:
Week 36 Assignment: Shadows